Monday, 21 September 2009

Mind maps

Your task for this week is to mind map out your ideas for your animation. I expect you to make this look as visually appealing as possible, Ive included so examples below of good mind maps to give you some inspiration.

Remember the mind map is a great way of showing the moderators and me your working process, and that you are full of ideas. Also do not be affreaid of doodling in small sketches to illustrate the way you are thinking, this is your mind map of your project, let us see how creative you are!

Some starting points for your mind map are:
  • Target Audience, then make branches off describing who they are and what they like and want to see.
  • The Product/event, this should include information on the product/event, what is its message? Does it have an established style already, what are its aims and goals etc..,
  • Media, How are you going to make you animation? You already know that we have Toon Boom Studio, but how else could it be animated? List the different ways you could do your project.
  • Artists/Designers, Who have you looked at already? What other artists work could you be influenced by, how could you use them to develop your own ideas, how would be the best way to animate work like theirs (link to your media branch) how might changing the context of their work aid your project ( for example taking an illustrators style and using in as a starting point to help you design 3d models for a stop motion animation)
  • Style, this will link to a lot of the other branches what feeling do you want your animation to have? How will this link to your target audience. How could you animate the feeling/messages you want to show. Link this to Media etc..
Just a reminder!
this friday You must have in: Squash and stretch, Walk cycle, your planning into similiar projects from off the web and in books and your mind map.

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